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Ivan Santoso
Prapanca Bayu
M. Rizki Nurdiansyah


This study was motivated by observational data showing that Indonesia has a diabetes alert status because it ranks 5th out of 10 countries with the highest number of diabetics. According to the 2013 and 2018 Riskesdas data, the prevalence of diabetes in Indonesia tends to increase from 6.9% to 8.5%. Most cases of DM are type 2 diabetes caused by hereditary factors, but these factors only amount to 5%, as do lifestyle patterns that are accompanied by changes in unhealthy and unbalanced diets. Therefore, researchers used the traditional extraction method of boiling guava leaves to help reduce blood sugar levels. The aim to be achieved in this study is to determine the level of knowledge of the Villa Jatirasa RW community (n = 11) towards guava leaf decoction (Psidium guajava) as a diabetes medicine. The method used in this research is quantitative. The tools and materials used in this research are questionnaires. The sampling technique used proportional random sampling and obtained a sample of 55 heads of families, each representing the head of the family. Based on the results of the study, it was found that respondents had knowledge about the causes of type 2 diabetes in the amount of 19 people (35%), symptoms of type 2 diabetes in the amount of 21 people (38%), prevention of type 2 diabetes in the amount of 24 people (44%), the use of herbal medicine guava leaves (Psidium guajava) in the amount of 22 people (40%), and treatment of type 2 diabetes in the amount of 28 people (51%), with an average of 55 heads of families or representing the head of the family in the 60.91% with sufficient category.

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